The News
Saturday 15 of February 2025

Comprehensive economic reactivation strategy agreed with the private and labor sectors is urgently needed

Due to inflation, it is necessary to implement a comprehensive economic reactivation strategy, since it affects all sectors.

In order to report on the monetary policy measures aimed at controlling inflation and mitigating its effects on the economy for this year, Senator Nuvia Mayorga Delgado presented a point of agreement to summon the head of the Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit, Rogelio Ramírez de la O, as well as the Governor of the Bank of Mexico, Victoria Rodríguez Ceja.

He considered that inflation “has been a headache” for the Mexican economy, so it is necessary for the authorities to implement a fiscal and monetary policy capable of mitigating its effects, and thus increase the purchasing power of Mexican families.

In the proposal, which was listed in the Gazette of the Permanent Commission on January 19, the PRI senator pointed out that said authorities have the obligation to explain the contingent measures and act firmly, as well as maintain consistency between their messages, indicators and goals.

Nuvia Mayorga warned that the rise in inflation has led producers to increase their costs, which is eventually reflected in an increase in prices for consumers.

These increases can be seen from the primary sector, as shown by the official figures on the behavior of daily wholesale prices of agricultural products for daily consumption by the population.

“Today, with high inflation, the pocket of citizenship is affected every day, there is not enough money to be able to satisfy basic needs, such as food and health.”

He assured that the problem does not lie in the oscillation of growth figures in an emergency situation, such as the one that has been experienced since 2019, but in the lack of a comprehensive strategy for economic reactivation that should be agreed with the private and labor sectors.

The legislator recalled that the SHCP established in the general economic policy criteria for 2022, a growth goal of the Gross Domestic Product at an average of 4.1 percent, with ranges from 3.6 percent to 4.6 percent.

However, in just two weeks that have elapsed this year, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) estimated that the Mexican economy will only have an increase of 2.9 percent of GDP.
Similarly, he added, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) estimates that the economy will grow 3.3 percent by 2022, a figure well below the SHCP’s expectation.

That is why the Mexican government has a great challenge for this 2022, a year of obstacles, both in economic and financial matters, since it is not only about stabilizing inflation and reducing unemployment, but also about achieving a full recovery. economic.