MEXICO CITY – The Human rights Commission, the Institute for Access to Public Information and Data Protection (InfoDF), the capital’s government and delegates will elaborate a protocol to regulate the use of new technologies – such as Periscope – to document the work of authorities and guaranty the respect of human rights of both citizens and officials.
Perla Gómez, president of Mexico City’s Human Rights Commission (CDHDF) rejected that the aim is regulating social media and protecting lawbreakers.

Photo: Luis Carbayo/Cuartoscuro
The drafting of the protocol was an agreement reached during a meeting with Mexico City’s ombudsman Perla Gómez, InfoDF president Mucio Israel Hernández and Miguel Hidalgo borough president Xóchitl Gálvez, to analyse the polemic provoked by the recordings carried out by the borough’s City Manager Arne aus den Ruthen, during his operation in public spaces.
On Periscope the city manager denounced from “opportunist neighbors” to the impunity with which private security personnel acted in broad daylight.
Perla Gómez explained that regulations will clarify what to expect in public spaces, and that the measures are “mostly preventive and not to impede the work, but to make sure that the infractor doesn’t become the victim because the authority lacks any substantiation on the issue”.
Mucio Israel Hernández Guerrero, president of InfoDF, explained that there would be transparency in the authorities’ work.
“We will initiate a technical work mechanism to strengthen the actions of borough authorities in their use of technologies. We will review all the has to do with substantiation, video recording and ‘flagrante delicto’, which is what the borough is working on” he point out.
Miguel Hidalgo borough president Xóchitl Gálvez said that operations would not cease, nor would recordings, but that they would now protect the personal data of those involved, so as not to expose them, as happened with Francisco Guzmán Ortiz, chief of the Office of the President. She made a point to inform on the meeting through social media and Periscope.
EN DIRECTO en #Periscope: Reunión entre CDHDF, INFODF y Del. Miguel Hidalgo
— Xochitl Gálvez Ruiz (@XochitlGalvez) February 26, 2016
She stated that officials should be recorded because citizens had a right to know what they were doing.
Until now the CDHDF has received six complaints against Miguel Hidalgo official due to the use of “Periscope” in operations.