The News
Thursday 24 of October 2024

UN Experts and Advocates Urge Honduras to Protect Mexican Witness in Activist Murder

An activist holds up a photo of slain environmental rights activist Berta Caceres during a protest to mark International Women's Day outside the presidential house in Tegucigalpa,REUTERS/Jorge Cabrera
An activist holds up a photo of slain environmental rights activist Berta Caceres during a protest to mark International Women's Day outside the presidential house in Tegucigalpa,REUTERS/Jorge Cabrera
Mexican activist Gustavo Castro Soto is the main witness in the murder of Berta Cáceres and is not being allowed to return home

United Nations rights experts and more than 200 campaign groups called on the government of Honduras on Thursday to protect a key Mexican witness of the killing of activist Berta Cáceres that has sparked widespread international condemnation.

Cáceres, an indigenous land rights activist, was fatally shot by gunmen who broke into her home on March 3 in the Central American nation.

Activist Gustavo Castro Soto was injured in the attack and is a key witness in the slaying. Honduran authorities have prevented him from returning to his native Mexico.

Michel Frost, U.N. special rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, in a statement called on Honduran authorities to guarantee that Castro not be put at risk.

“Gustavo should immediately be provided with effective protection and permitted to return to his country,” he said.

People reunited in front of the United Nations in NYC to demand the Honduras government allow Gustavo Castro Soto to return to Mexico. Photo: Notimex/Jeff COnant/Friends of the Earth.
People reunited in front of the United Nations in NYC to demand the Honduras government allow Gustavo Castro Soto to return to Mexico. Photo: Notimex/Jeff COnant/Friends of the Earth.

“It is high time that the Government of Honduras addressed the flagrant impunity of the increased number of executions of human rights defenders in the country, especially targeting those who defend environmental and land rights,” he said.

His call came on the same day that 220 rights groups sent an open letter to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry seeking support for an independent investigation to be led by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights into Cáceres’ killing.

“We ask that the State Department make clear to the Honduran government that future partnership and funding depends on demonstrating the political will to investigate and prosecute this crime and all crimes against human rights defenders,” it said.

Signed by the International Trade Union Confederation and other major international groups, the letter also called for protection for Cáceres’ family and witnesses in the case.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has granted Castro and Cáceres’ family protective measures, saying their lives were at risk. With at least 109 activists killed in Honduras since 2010, the nation is the world’s deadliest place to be a land rights or environmental campaigner, according to Global Witness, which investigates corruption, conflict and environmental destruction linked to natural resources.

Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez condemned Cáceres’ killing, and a criminal investigation has been launched.

A police source told Reuters that the only suspect arrested after the murder, which was Cáceres’s former partner and colleague, has been released.

Death threats against Cáceres, a member of the Lenca indigenous group, increased after she led a campaign against the construction of the Agua Zarca hydroelectric dam that delayed the $50 million project.

Indigenous groups say they were not consulted before the dam was approved by lawmakers and that it threatens to uproot hundreds of people, flood their lands and destroy their livelihoods and water sources.

Following Cáceres’ killing, U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy said the dam project “should be abandoned,” a call backed by the advocacy groups and Caceres’ family.

Activists hold a poster honoring slain environmental rights activist Berta Caceres during a vigil to mark International Women's Day, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Photo: Reuters/Jorge Cabrera.
Activists hold a poster honoring slain environmental rights activist Berta Caceres during a vigil to mark International Women’s Day, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Photo: Reuters/Jorge Cabrera.

Olivia Zuniga, Cáceres’s daughter, says she has little faith in Honduran authorities to find and punish those responsible for her mother’s death and urged an independent investigation.

“We don’t believe in or trust the justice system in Honduras,” she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in an interview.

“This was a political crime,” she said. “My mother was considered a hindrance, a nuisance for those who wanted to guarantee that the dam project went ahead.”