The News
Thursday 24 of October 2024

'We Will Defend Petróleos Mexicanos' Director Tells Deputies

Pemex director José Antonio González Anaya faced questions on the state and future of the oil company

Appearing before the Energy Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, the director of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) José Antonio González Anaya, assured that his leadership and the actions that will be taken by the administrative board are measures to defend the company.

 José Antonio González Anaya, director of Pemex, faced strong questions on budget cuts in the company. Photo: Cuartoscuro/Saúl López
José Antonio González Anaya, director of Pemex, faced strong questions on budget cuts in the company. Photo: Cuartoscuro/Saúl López

“We are going to defend Pemex, it is a productive company of the state, and therefore, part of its functions is contributing to the state”, he said upon being asked if the decrease in spending is an attempt to make the oil company disappear.

Faced with legislators, the director reiterated the axes of action for budget reduction, which mainly imply the delay of investment that are not profitable , with the intention of preserving the company’s solvency.

During the session, deputy Armando Rivera from the National Action Party (PAN) made it known that Pemex celebrated a contract for the lease of vehicles for 2 billion 245 million pesos, a price exceeding the cost of such services, which led him too demand more transparency in the company.

“As to the past of the company we will work according to the law and, if we find irregularities, we will take pertinent action”, González responded to questioning.

He also added that 90 percent of the debt with suppliers, which rises to 142 billion pesos, would be dealt with soon.

“Despite having problems with lack of liquidity, we have been working with the different business organizations to pay small and medium sized businesses which are the ones to whom productive financing costs the most, and in the next days debts with small suppliers would be paid off.”

The appearance of Pemex’s director generated great interest, given the circumstances and was followed on social media.

The different political groups expressed at different moments their worry over the mass dismissals in Veracruz, Tabasco and Campeche, to which the director of Pemex answered that the theme of employment would be defined later on.