The News
Thursday 24 of October 2024

Videgaray: Migration at the Forefront for OAS

Foreign Relations (SRE) Secretary Luis Videgaray Caso and Organization of American States (OAS) General Secretary Luis Almagro at a a press conference in Cancun, Quinatana Roo, June 19, 2017,photo: Cuartoscuro/Elizabeth Ruiz
Foreign Relations (SRE) Secretary Luis Videgaray Caso and Organization of American States (OAS) General Secretary Luis Almagro at a a press conference in Cancun, Quinatana Roo, June 19, 2017,photo: Cuartoscuro/Elizabeth Ruiz
Videgray Caso wants the rights of migrants and indigenous people to be a priority for the General Assembly

Foreign Relations (SRE) Secretary Luis Videgaray Caso said that Mexico will put forward the issue of migration as a key issue during the Organization of American Sates (OAS) General Assembly currently underway Cancun.

During a press conference alongside OAS General Secretary Luis Leonardo Almagro Lemes, Videgaray Caso said that migration poses great challenges for Mexico, because it is a country that has a lot of migrant transit.

This is the first time Mexico has hosted an OAS General Assembly and Videgaray Caso thinks that migrant rights should be a priority alongside the financial strengthening of the Inter-American human rights system.

Videgaray Caso also wants to speed up the Inter-American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People that was adopted in 2016.

“Mexico is a country that believes in multilateral dialogue as the best tool to overcome differences, to reach agreements so that together we can achieve a better world and a better region,” said Videgaray Caso.

Almagro Lemes said that countries in the region develop according to the strength of their democracies and institutions and therefore dialogue and consensus are key.

Almagro Lemes said that when dialogue disappears “we can see the disfunction that affects democracy and the deterioration of institutions that affect a country’s socioeconomic, development and growth levels.”