The News
Thursday 24 of October 2024

Ayotzinapa Families Send Letter to Chamber of Deputies

Photo: Notimex/Javier Lira
Photo: Notimex/Javier Lira
Political Coordination Board of the Chamber rejects again a request by the families to use the plenary to examine the ongoing investigation


The Political Coordination Board (Jucopo) of the Chamber of Deputies rejected for the second time a letter sent from the parents of missing Ayotzinapa students sent to the Chamber of Deputies requesting to be received in the plenary, with the purpose for an explanation of the situation of the case, going on 17 months since the acts occurred.

César Camacho, president of the Jucopo, said the request of the parents of the normalistas is legally unviable, but they will seek to establish other channels of communication with the parents of the missing youths.

The letter was addressed to the president of the Special Commission investigating the case, PAN deputy Guadalupe Murguía, and is signed by parents of the normalistas.

“By means of this document and based on the provisions of Articles 1, 8, 35 fraction V, of the Constitution of the United States of Mexican come before you to request that this special committee is a conduit for parents and family of 43 students forcibly disappeared on September 26 and 27, 2014, to appear before the plenary of the Chamber of Federal Deputies to expose the current situation that continues the case of our missing children for more than 17 months,” the letter says.

50926192. México, 26 Sep. (Notimex-Javier Lira).- Alrededor de las 16:30 horas arribaron al Zócalo capitalino, los padres de los normalistas de Ayotzinapa donde realizan un mitin a un año de los hechos ocurridos en Iguala, Guerrero. NOTIMEX/FOTO/ JAVIER LIRA/JLO/HUM/
Photo: Notimex/Javier Lira

Murguía, president of the International Experts Group from the Inter-American Human Rights Commission (CIDH), said they evaluated the possibility of asking the Interior Secretariat to extend the stay of the experts in Mexico.

She said that not allowing the continuation of the experts’ work will only generate distrust from parents about the outcome of investigations.

The president of the Directive Board of the Chamber of Deputies, Jesús Zambrano, and the coordinator of National Action Party (PAN) deputies Marko Cortés warned they would not allow the government to seek “to shelve” the issue of Ayotzinapa by refusing to extend the stay of the group experts of the CIDH.