The News
Friday 26 of July 2024

Three French Schoolchildren Hurt in London Attack

Emergency services respond after an incident on Westminster Bridge in London, Britain,photo: Reuters/Eddie Keogh
Emergency services respond after an incident on Westminster Bridge in London, Britain,photo: Reuters/Eddie Keogh
The three were students aged around 15 or 16 of the Concarneau Lycee in Brittany, western France

PARIS – Three French schoolchildren were hurt in the attack near London’s parliament on Wednesday, French officials said.

The three were students aged around 15 or 16 of the Concarneau Lycee in Brittany, western France, according to a report in Le Telegramme regional newspaper.

Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve confirmed on Twitter that the three were schoolchildren.

The report in Le Telegramme cited fellow students who was at the scene of what British police have described as a terrorist incident, saying the three were hit by a car that was involved whilst walking on Westminister Bridge.