The News
Friday 26 of July 2024

Few Heed Call for Mass Protest in Venezuela's Capital

Venezuelan Bolivarian National Guard officers run toward demonstrators during clashes in Caracas, Venezuela, Friday, July 28, 2017,photo: AP/Ariana Cubillos
Venezuelan Bolivarian National Guard officers run toward demonstrators during clashes in Caracas, Venezuela, Friday, July 28, 2017,photo: AP/Ariana Cubillos
There were isolated clashes between National Guard troops and small groups of young demonstrators who call themselves "The Resistance"

CARACAS – Few demonstrators heeded opposition calls for a mass protest Friday in Venezuela’s capital against President Nicolás Maduro’s controversial push to rewrite the constitution by a constituent assembly to be elected Sunday.

Streets in Caracas were largely devoid of protests a day after Interior Minister Nestor Reverol announced that authorities were prohibiting any demonstrations from taking place through Tuesday.

Opposition leaders had urged Venezuelans to demonstrate anyway in a protest they billed as the “Taking of Caracas,” hoping for a dramatic culmination of three days of protests that started with a 48-hour nationwide general strike. But the hundreds of thousands who have sometimes taken to the streets during nearly four months of anti-government protests were largely absent.


“Here we are in the streets, just like the first day,” opposition lawmaker José Manuel Olivares said, urging people to reject Reverol’s demonstration ban. “Let’s not be victims of fear.”

There were isolated clashes between National Guard troops and small groups of young demonstrators who call themselves “The Resistance.” A few protest barricades went up in opposition-friendly eastern Caracas, but the city was relatively calms two days before Sunday’s constituent assembly election.

Maduro has deployed the military and police to clear blockades and protect a vote that he says is meant to end the power struggle with the opposition-controlled National Assembly, which he blames for Venezuela’s spiraling political, economic and social crisis. The opposition is boycotting the vote, saying the election rules have been rigged to favor the ruling socialist party.

On Friday, Maduro paid homage to the late President Hugo Chávez, on what would have been his predecessor’s 63rd birthday, telling supporters that with the constitution rewrite, “Chavez is more alive than ever.”

“What would Chavez do July 30th?” he asked. “Would he call on us to sabotage the constituent assembly?”

“No!” the crowd shouted back.

Delegates elected to the constituent assembly will take on the task of rewriting the 1999 constitution, which was crafted by Chávez to install a socialist administration. That constitution is considered one of his principal legacies, and the move to rewrite it has drawn rebuke even from some longtime government loyalists and Chávez supporters.

The assembly will be empowered to dramatically reshape Venezuela’s government, stirring fears that Maduro could use it to further tighten his grip on power and silence critical voices.

Residents in Caracas lined up for hours at grocery stores and banks to stockpile food and cash before what many expected to be a chaotic weekend.

The election has provoked international outcry and added fuel to near-daily protests that began in early April after a the government-packed Supreme Court ruled to strip the opposition-controlled National Assembly of its last powers. The decision was quickly reversed but it sparked a protest movement demanding a new presidential election.

Deaths in the anti-government demonstrations and upheaval climbed to at least 113 on Friday. That number included a police officer slain in the town of Ejido in the western state of Mérida, which has been the scene of violent clashes in recent days.

Meanwhile, Alfredo Romero, director of Foro Penal, a lawyers’ group, said that Wuilly Arteaga, a young violinist who has become a symbol of anti-government protest in Venezuela, had been detained while performing.

“They took his violin and hit him with it,” Romero said.

Foreign governments continued to pressure Maduro to suspend the constituent assembly. Colombia’s finance minister told a local radio station that his nation would follow the Trump administration’s lead in sanctioning 13 current or former top officials in Maduro’s government.


Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, one of Maduro’s most vocal opponents, said in a meeting with two other U.S. legislators that he expects further sanctions if the assembly vote proceeds.

Meanwhile, air service to Venezuela continued to dwindle. Avianca was offering full refunds to the estimated 13,000 passengers who had booked a flight on the now-suspended service. Delta, one of the last airlines still serving Venezuela, said on Twitter that it could not guarantee service after September. The airline declined further comment.

On Thursday, the U.S. State Department said it was ordering relatives of U.S. diplomats to leave Caracas, allowing U.S. government workers to depart the embassy there and limiting the movement of those who stay.

An updated travel warning urged U.S. citizens not to travel to Venezuela due to social unrest and violence.