The News
Thursday 24 of October 2024

Fear, Faintheartedness and Negligence

Many corporate leaders don't view a businessman without political experience living in Washington D.C. and making big decisions to be a good thing

The race to the White House, to succeed Barack Obama and be become the 45th president of the United States has begun.

Everything indicates that Hillary, the ex-wife of former president Bill Clinton, governor of Chicago and former Secretary of State, will be the democratic candidate. Her possible triumph will be welcome by more advanced nations, the least favorable countries and powerful men, who represent multinational companies.

Everything also indicates that multimillionaire Donald Trump will be the republican candidate. His possible triumph will not be welcome by many third-world countries. It will cause a disturbance to stability and world peace. Many corporate leaders don’t view a businessman without political experience living in Washington D.C. and making big decisions to be a good thing.

But, there are also powerful groups that sponsor him. They catapult him and his hatful messages toward certain groups to fame every day, which unites the extreme conservatives.

What is one to do at these crossroads? Do we wait until the candidates define themselves more? Do we observe how the historic election develops and afterwards negotiate with the winner and hope that they change their candidate mask for the mask of the leader of the most powerful nation in the world? Or from that moment do we stand in protest against racism, division, hate, exclusion and lack of respect?

Logic indicates that if someone says something or contradicts Trump it will be a slow home run for him, because his campaign runs on scandal and its fast release into the media. But, dear reader, don’t you think that the leaders of the planted have acted with fear, faintheartedness and negligence?

Journalist, editor and radio broadcaster