The News
Thursday 24 of October 2024

Burn Judas Trump, Burn

Mexicans prepare an effigy of U.S. Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump before burning it as they celebrate an Easter ritual late on Saturday in Mexico City's poor La Merced neighborhood,photo: Reuters/Henry Romero
Mexicans prepare an effigy of U.S. Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump before burning it as they celebrate an Easter ritual late on Saturday in Mexico City's poor La Merced neighborhood,photo: Reuters/Henry Romero
From Mexico City to Monterrey to Leon and Aguascalientes, effigies of Judas Trump were crafted in cardboard and filled up with firecrackers

You reap what you sow, and last Saturday the anti-Mexican hatred seeds the GOP presidential candidate planted blossomed with the traditional Holy Saturday Judas burning.

Within Mexican political tradition, burning Judas is not to reminisce Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Christ, but the past year’s most unpopular politician.

Definitely The Donald came out way ahead of the Mexican politicians this year given his constant tirades about building a bigger wall — one already exists in many parts along the border — and even invading Mexico if necessary to do away with the “criminals and rapists” that are screwing America up.

Trump even surpassed in anti-popularity former Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, who for years was the most popular figure for burning on Easter, or “Glory” Saturday as it is known among Mexican Catholics, as the year’s favorite Judas.

From Mexico City to Monterrey to Leon and Aguascalientes, effigies of Judas Trump were crafted in cardboard and filled up with firecrackers.

“Burn in Hell Judas Trump” read signs on some of the effigies. Others had very nasty “motherly” dedications to The Donald.

The popular rejection the US politico was considered well warranted given the facts that Mexicans are fed up from hearing his offensive remarks and nasty threats.

In the many different cities where Trump was set afire, thousands of Mexicans celebrated the destruction of the evil one represented in the most badly crafted of effigies.

But then, Trump’s not a pretty guy, so for Mexicans, the coarser looking the cardboard dummy looked, the better.

The fact that Holy Saturday has become a traditional day in which religion is politicized has been true for Mexicans over centuries given local political repression.

But as far as I know, this is the first time Mexicans have taken it against a foreign politician whose antics have only managed to ignite wrath among the population.

Indeed, Trump reaped what he sowed and that’s why this Holy Saturday, he is the enemy of the Mexican people who can only respond by burning him down.