The News
Saturday 15 of February 2025

Ayotzinapa: Suspicious Hurry

A woman carries a sign in protest for the enforced disappearance of the 42 students of Ayotzinapa,photo: Notimex/Javier Lira
A woman carries a sign in protest for the enforced disappearance of the 42 students of Ayotzinapa,photo: Notimex/Javier Lira
If indeed it wasn’t a case of a crime committed by the state, the Mexican government should be the most interested party in discarding that version

The urgency of the Mexican government to end the world of the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) was evident to all. The GIEI, by orders of the Inter-American Human Rights Commission (CIDH) and with the express agreement of the Mexican government itself, was investigating the disappearance of the 43 students of the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers College in Iguala, in the state of Guerrero, which occurred between the night of Sept. 26 and the morning of Sept. 27, 2014.

That urgency was incomprehensible and very suspicious. If indeed it wasn’t a case of a crime committed by the state, the Mexican government should be the most interested party in discarding that version. And what could be better to accomplish that than an international body in which the government is represented validating the innocence of the Mexican state in the heinous crime of Iguala.

But that urgency and that notorious interest in the GIEI finishing their work and leaving Mexico immediately can be explained by the fact that after a year of research, everything seems to confirm the participation of various state institutions in the Ayotzinapa case.

In the end, one can’t bury his head in the sand indefinitely. As an example, one can look to what the inevitable Wikipedia says about the case: “The enforced disappearance in Iguala in 2014 was a series violent episodes that occurred during the night of Sept. 26 and the morning of Sept. 27, during which the Iguala municipal police chased and attacked students of the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers College. In this confrontation, civilian and journalists were injured. The events left at least 9 people dead, 41 missing students and 27 injured.”

But not only the Iguala municipal police participated in the attack. Also, according to various testimonies and evidence, the government of the state of Guerrero, the Federal Police and different army units and commanders were involved in the crime. Consider that the army is an institution of indisputable federal character which is under the authority of the president.

So far, more than a year and a half later, the only people who have been arrested and judged are some municipal police officers and the mayor of Iguala and his wife. Former Guerrero Gov. Ángel Aguirre was forced to resign from office, but did not face any judicial prosecution. He wasn’t even charged with omission. Inexplicable and inexcusable omissions that the highest authority of the state of Guerrero should have known about.

Regarding the participation of the Federal Police in this abominable crime, a well-known fact since the time of the tragedy but one denied or evaded by the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), the responsability has fallen upon Luis Raúl González Pérez, president of the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH), who has confirmed the direct involvement of the Federal Police in this crime.

After achieving the exit of the GIEI, the Mexican government, however, cannot erase from the Mexican and universal consciousness the fact that the events of Iguala were crime committed by the state. The same as the kidnappings and disappearances of thousands of people perpetrated by Jorge Rafael Videla and the Argentina military dictatorship.