According to information from Mexico’s embassy in Brussels, the three Mexicans reported missing to the embassy have now been reported safe and out of danger.

The Three Mexican nationals were in fact at Zaventem airport in Brussels but are unharmed. According to the search conducted by diplomatic officials no Mexican nationals were hurt or killed during the attacks.
Mexico’s ambassador in Brussels, Eloy Cantú Segovia, said that all Mexicans present at the airport during the attacks were found.
“Five in all were there but none is hurt”, following the terrorist attacks this morning, both at the airport and at a subway station.
Cantú Segovia informed that officials have been monitoring hospital where wounded were taken and until now there is no information of another Mexican national affected.

Foreign Relation Secretary Claudia Ruiz Massieu declared that no Mexican was hurt or killed during the Brussels attacks, where 35 people were killed and 200 wounded.
In a press conference, the chancellor said that the corresponding protocols were applied at the Belgium crisis center and authorities from the embassy will maintain close contact to have all the latest information.
The secretary shared that 1,500 Mexicans are registered as living and working in Belgium and untill now 100 calls have been received to know the whereabouts of compatriots.
A Mexican citizen on his way to Zavantem airport at the time of the attacks described on social media a city in chaos and a “painful and desolating human panorama.”