The amount of the bid that motivated the denunciation by the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) for alleged collusion will be set once contacts are perfected, declared Mikel Arreola, General Director of the institute.
“Any fact presumably constitutive of absolute monopolistic practices, that may impact negatively on the finances of the IMSS, all these acts we will denounce and will notify internal control organs so they can initiate an investigation.”
-Mikel Arreola. IMSS General Director.
In an interview after the signing of the agreement between the National Institute of Women (Inmujeres) and IMSS, Arreola confirmed that the bid in question was national and pertained to clinical analysis services and blood banks.

Collusion is an absolute monopolistic practice that presumably implies participants agree to determine a price, or geographical areas to provide a service, with which they jointly reach an agreement on a commercial strategy at the expense of the IMSS.
This Thursday the IMSS presented a denunciation to the Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece) after a public denunciation for alleged acts of collusion in a public national bid on clinical laboratory services, presented on March 9, in which 14 proposals participated.
Cofece started an investigation and the IMSS will keep track of the process: “the Cofece will be able to review if the public denunciation corresponds to the proposals that were presented”, Arreola pointed out.