Mexico’s Secretary of Foreign Relations, Claudia Ruiz Massieu, warned that despite not commenting on specific United States presidential elections “we will defend the interest of our country and our people, we will defend our community in the United States and denounce any comment that undermines our country or our community living in the United States.”
Two days ago, Massieu made nearly identical comments, affirming that she was referring to the possibility of a Donald Trump presidency. Trump has made openly hostile statements towards Mexico and its people.

During a conference before the German Council of Foreign Relations, Claudia Ruiz Massieu assured that the Mexican and the Mexican-American community in the United States are responsible for the creation of over 600,000 businesses. They are also responsible, through they hard work, of sustaining 8 percent of the United State’s GDP.
The secretary also stated that the Mexican government will continue to monitor the situation, for she considered that “speeches that criticize our community, that criticize the nature of our bilateral relations are comments that denote an ignorance of reality, and the reality is that our community in the United States is a productive community; it is a hard working community that has generated economic growth and social development for many decades.”
We will continue to inform. To give people the facts, because we believe that when people know the facts, when they know the truth, they will overcome fear and see that we share the same values, the same vision of shared prosperity and economic growth and social integration.”
-Claudia Ruiz Massieu. Mexican Secretary of Foreign Relations.
The secretary also pointed out that the bilateral relations between Mexico and the United States produces one million dollars per minute every day, due to which it is a productive and necessary relation. “We will continue to inform. To give people the facts, because we believe that when people know the facts, when they know the truth, they will overcome fear and see that we share the same values, the same vision of shared prosperity and economic growth and social integration. So we will continue talking with facts and not adjectives”, concluded Claudia Ruiz Massieu.