The News
Thursday 24 of October 2024

Mancera Recognizes Six Representatives Named to Constituent Assembly

Miguel Ángel Mancera recognized the members of the Constituent Assembly editing group,photo: Cuartoscuro
Miguel Ángel Mancera recognized the members of the Constituent Assembly editing group,photo: Cuartoscuro
Mancera said, “They are men and women of free thought, of conviction, who care about Mexico City"

Mexico City Mayor Miguel Ángel Mancera confirmed in an interview the three men and three women who will participate in the editing group of the Constituent Assembly. The group consists of Clara Jusidman, human rights specialist; Olga Sánchez Cordero, former government official; Ana Laura Magaloni, academic; Alejandro Encinas, senator; Porfirio Muñoz Ledo, former commissioner of the Political Reform and Alejandro Chanona, doctor in political science.

Mancera said, “They are men and women of free thought, of conviction, who care about Mexico City, which is what was important to me. They represent the interests of my office in the sense that we all work for the good of the city.”

Mancera said that the Constitution will be presented to legislators once the group is officially installed, which will take place by September 15.

“I will fulfill my constitutional responsibility in a timely matter and according to regulation,” he said. While Mancera said he is pleased with the new Mexico City Constitution he said, “you are never completely satisfied with a document. I believe that the document will serve well for the debate, so we can keep building. My hope is that we build something even better, with everyone’s participation.”

Mancera said that there is no protocol for the document to be presented, and while he could personally turn in the document, there is no obligation to do so.

“It’s not a mandate. It will depend on the timeframe for the representatives’ installation, whenever all the parties are ready. If I don’t do it personally, I will speak with the council so that the document is ready on time.”