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Thursday 24 of October 2024

Guajardo: Mexico and Canada, Most Profitable U.S. Partners

Economy Secretary Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal confirmed Mexico's commitment to working with its North American trading partners,photo: Notimex/Juan Carlos Pérez
Economy Secretary Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal confirmed Mexico's commitment to working with its North American trading partners,photo: Notimex/Juan Carlos Pérez
Mexico's Economy Secretary urges maintaining a strong economic bond benefiting all North America

MEXICO CITY — Mexico and Canada, as well as being the most profitable economic partners for the United States, represent the continental security necessary to differentiate the region from other parts of North America, said Economy Secretary Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal.

Noting that today the world is experiencing a period of uncertainty pending the results of the U.S. presidential elections, with the possible arrival of Donald Trump in the White House, Guajardo Villarreal said that Mexico and Canada must continue to work together to maintain competitiveness.

60502054. Washington, D.C., 2 May 2016 (Notimex- Especial). - Se realiza la Reunión de Ministros de Comercio de México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, con la participación del secretario mexicano de Economía, Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal; la secretaria de Comercio de Estados Unidos, Penny Pritzker, y la ministra de Comercio Internacional de Canadá, Chrystia Freeland. NOTIMEX/FOTO/ESPECIAL/COR/POL/
Earlier this month Guajardo Villarreal met with trade officials in Washington, D.C. Photo: Notimex/Special

“Canada and Mexico not only represent the most profitable economic partners in the North America, but they also represent the fundamental continental security that is necessary to differentiate the national security of North America from what happens in other parts of the world,” he said.

He said because of the benefits and great vision to make and produce products together, and to strengthen national security, “The worst thing to do would be to separate a region which by its nature and its links should remain strong, consolidated and allied.”

Guajardo Villarreal said that participating in the Business Beyond Borders Day, organized by the Canada Chamber of Commerce, is not just an economic strategy, but a security strategy for all of North America.

Together, the three countries will be more competitive and strong, he said. “We should not be tempted to listen to speeches that only bring us protectionism, to close our borders, as individually we will be weaker against third parties.”

He hoped that despite the uncertainty generated by the electoral process in the United States, the arrival of direct foreign investment to the country would not be affected, which the first months of the year show positive figures.