The News
Sunday 19 of January 2025

'Gasolinazo' to be Discussed at the Chamber of Deputies

Attendees to the Permanent Comittee at the Chamber of Deputies to discuss the increase in gasoline prices,photo: Cuartoscuro/Diego SImón Sánchez
Attendees to the Permanent Comittee at the Chamber of Deputies to discuss the increase in gasoline prices,photo: Cuartoscuro/Diego SImón Sánchez
Opposition legislators continue to demand a throw back to the price increase of gasoline and diesel despite explanations provided by the Public Finance and Energy secretaries

Opposition legislators continue to demand a throw back to the price increase of gasoline and diesel despite explanations provided by Treasury and Public Finance Secretary (SHCP) José Antonio Meade and Energy Secretary Pedro Joaquín Caldwell.

The two met on Friday at the Permanent Committee along with senators and deputies as well as with the heads of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), the Energy Regulation Commission the Federal Economic Competence Commission and the Federal Agency for Consumer Protection (Profeco).

Meade stated that the price increase was due to external factors to which the Federal Government had to respond assertively, and appeal to the understanding of Mexican citizens.