The News
Thursday 24 of October 2024

Deputies and Organizations Want Answers on Situation of Petróleos Mexicanos

González Anaya's appearance in the Chamber of Deputies has raised many questions surrounding Pemex

The National Action Party (PAN) in the Chamber of Deputies informed that it will request the presence of Treasury and Public Finance Secretary Luis Videgaray, as well as Energy Secretary Pedro Joaquín Coldwell and members of Petróleos Mexicanos’ (Pemex) administrative board, so that they can explain what is happening in the company.

Pedro Joaquín Coldwell, Secretary of Energy is among those the PAN seeks to question. Photo: Cuartoscuro.
Pedro Joaquín Coldwell, Secretary of Energy is among those the PAN seeks to question.
Photo: Cuartoscuro.

Marco Cortés, coordinator of PAN deputies, indicated that in the last three years Pemex has been plundered and until now no one is being held accountable, while oil production has decreased considerably.

For his part, the President of the Chamber of Deputies Jesús Zambrano accused the government of killing the goose that lays the golden eggs, a statement that was rejected by César Camacho Quiroz, head of deputies of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).


Following the commitment by Pemex director José Antonio González Anaya of covering 85 percent of debts with suppliers, the President of the Business Coordination Council (CCE) Juan Pablo Castañón stated that payments have started since February, reaching over 20 billion pesos today and in accordance with policies on supplier payments.

José Antonio González Anaya stated that suppliers would be paid. Photo: Cuartoscuro/Isaac Esquivel.
José Antonio González Anaya stated that suppliers would be paid.
Photo: Cuartoscuro/Isaac Esquivel.

Collaborative solutions were analyzed for the debt with suppliers, following a meeting that included the director of Pemex, undersecretary of Industry and Commerce of the Economy Secretariat Ricardo Garza, as well as the presidents of CCE, the Employers Federation of Mexico, the Confederation of Industrial Chambers, the National Chamber of the Manufacturing Industry, the Mexican Construction Chamber, the Chambers of Commerce Confederation and the Mexican of the Maritime Transport Industry.