Representatives from human rights organizations criticised that Mexico’s government canceled the visit of Michael Forst the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders.

Vidulfo Rosales, lawyer of the family members of the disappeared 43 rural teachers college students and from the Human Rights of the Montaña Tlachinollan, criticised that Mexico is preventing the visit from international organizations on human rights.
In an interview with CAPITAL MEDIA he pointed out that despite “Mexico has characteristically signed all the treaties on human rights, on the other hand it prevents organizations and international mechanisms from visiting the country”.
He asserted that Mexican authorities avoided international scrutiny and discredited reports.
Rosales said that it was “serious that today there exists a closing off, because we are now precisely going through a humanitarian crisis, a crisis of human rights, through a dangerous stage in Mexico when enforced disappearances are happening by the thousands”.
On Wednesday the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (CIDH) presented a report in which it points out that Mexico is going through a severe crisis in this theme.

During an interview, undersecretary for Multilateral Themes and Human Rights of the Chancellery. Miguel Ruiz Cabañas, confirmed that Michel Forst had expressed his desire to come, but that no specific date was arranged.
Ruíz Cabañas said that the Federal Government would be pleased to receive him.
“He cam come whenever he wants and we will of course receive him”, stated the undersecretary.