The News
Thursday 24 of October 2024

Deficit in the Mexican Payments Balance

Banxico Liliana Betancourt7
Banxico Liliana Betancourt7
The deficit of 2015 was higher than that of 2014

The deficit on the current account of the payments balance in Mexico reached of 2015 totaled $32.3 billion, a figure representing about 2.8 percent of the gross domestic product of the country.

Also, according to Mexico’s Central Bank (Banxico), the deficit in 2015 was higher than that reached by the payment balance in 2014, when it amounted to $24.8 billion dollars. That is, a difference of $7.5 billion.

The annual negative balance was a result of the $23.8 billion dollar deficit in the goods and services balance and the $32.8 billion deficit on the income balance.

Both deficit facts were offset only by $24.2 billion dollars that originated from the surplus of the transfers balance.