The News
Thursday 24 of October 2024

Maximum Gas Prices to be Maintained For April

Photo: Isaac Esquivel/
Photo: Isaac Esquivel/
Premium is expected to increase 2 centavos

MÉXICO, D.F., 13ENERO2016.- Este miércoles entró en vigor la Ley Federal para Prevenir y Sancionar los Delitos Cometidos en Materia de Hidrocarburos, la cual establece penas de tres a seis años de prisión y multa de tres mil a seis mil días a quien enajene o suministre gasolinas, diésel, gas licuado de petróleo o gas natural con conocimiento de que está entregando una cantidad inferior. FOTO: ISAAC ESQUIVEL /CUARTOSCURO.COM
The price of Premium gasoline is expected to increase. Photo: Isaac Esquivel/

The maximum prices of gasoline and diesel will be maintained into April this year, unchanged compared to those observed in March. Meanwhile, the Premium gasoline will increase only 2 centavos.

This implies that oil prices Magna, Premium and diesel will be 13.16, 13.97 and 13.77 pesos per liter. In turn, these maximum prices represent a decrease compared to those observed in 2015, of 3 percent in the case of Magna gasoline and diesel and 2.9 percent for Premium, which is a reduction of 41 centavos in gasoline and 43 centavos in the case of diesel.

International reference prices for fuel during the last month increased, but was offset as the appreciation of the peso increased. These factors lead to the maximum gasoline prices in April remaining at levels similar to those approved by the Mexican Congress.