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Thursday 23 of January 2025

Concamin Demands Industry Exemption from Hoy No Circula

The Hoy no Circula program is meant to curb emissions by taking some vehicles off the roads.,Photo: Nicolás Tavira
The Hoy no Circula program is meant to curb emissions by taking some vehicles off the roads.,Photo: Nicolás Tavira
Manuel Herrera Vega says the regulation can impact an increase in the cost of products, shortages and a loss of sources of employment

National industry demanded it be left “exempt” from the Hoy No Circula program, noting that the measure will have a collateral impact like an increase in the cost of products, shortages and loss of sources of employment.

Manuel Herrera Vega, president of the Confederation of Industrial Chambers (Concamin), called on the authorities to consider that number of industry vehicles that crosses the Valley of Mexico accounts for only 1.23 percent of the vehicle total, and in phase one of the contingency, production reduced 30 to 40 percent, and in phase two up to 60 percent, affecting primarily the pharmaceutical, cement and those working with solvents.

MÉXICO, D.F., 10DICIEMBRE2015.- Manuel Herrera Vega presidente de CONCAMIN durante la conferencia que realizaron ante medios de comunicación FOTO: ENRIQUE ORDÓÑEZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM
Manuel Herrera Vega, president of Concamin, says industry should be exempt from the circulation restrictions. Photo: Enrique Ordóñez/

At a press conference, Herrera Vega demanded that the Environmental Committee of the Megalopolis (CAMe) adjust the restrictive measures.

“Regarding industry’s transport of cargo, it does not really mean a beneficial impact on reducing emissions. To take out the approximately 11,000 vehicles every day represents the supply of many products, goods and services that have to do with the financial viability of the companies. We do not agree with the measure, we do not agree that we were not consulted,” he said.

The industry leader insisted on the creation of a multidisciplinary working group with members of the public, private, academic and social sectors, in order to analyze and reconsider the measures to ensure an effective reduction of environmental pollution in the region without affecting the productivity of enterprise.

Similarly, he mentioned that the lack of clarity in the information, both environmental conditions and the program measures, creates uncertainty so there is concern in meeting the objective set to reduce polluting emissions.

Herrera Vega said that in the metropolitan area, the impact to the logistics of inputs and outputs have a national affect, considering it is 28 percent of GDP and 18% of the national population.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Transportation Commission of Concamin, José Luis Fuentes Pochat, said that between 20 to 50 percent of the price of a product represents the cost of transportation, so yes restrictions on the mobility of products can result in cost increases.