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U.S. Appeals Court Upholds Gay Marriage in Puerto Rico

MÉXICO, D.F., 21MARZO2014.- Como parte de la segunda jornada de bodas colectivas de la comunidad Lésbico, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual, Travesti, Transgénero e Intersexual (LGBTTTI), 58 parejas homosexuales contrajeron matrimonio en el Museo de la Ciudad de México, evento organizado por el gobierno capitalino, al que asistió Miguel Ángel Mancera, jefe de gobierno. El 21 de diciembre de 2009 la Asamblea Legislativa (ALDF) aprobó una enmienda al artículo 146 del código civil donde reconoce jurídicamente el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en el Distrito Federal. FOTO: DIEGO SIMÓN SÁNCHEZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – A U.S. appeals court has ruled that Puerto Rico can’t prohibit gay marriage.

The court overruled a federal judge who said a U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing gay couples to marry anywhere in the United States does not apply on the island because it is a U.S. territory, and not a state.

The appeals court said Thursday that the district court misconstrued the law and directly contradicted its mandate.

Puerto Rico’s governor authorized gay marriage through an executive order shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in June 2015.

The U.S. territory also has extended other rights to same-sex couples, including child adoption.