The News

Seoul: North Korea Test-Fires Missile from Western Region

Dos personas observan en televisión tomas de archivo de un misil balístico norcoreano en la Estación Ferroviaria de Seúl, Corea del Sur, el domingo 16 de abril de 2017. Un misil norcoreano estalló al ser lanzado el domingo desde la costa este del país, informaron funcionarios estadounidenses y surcoreanos. El letrero en la pantalla dice: "Fracasa intento de Corea del Norte de lanzar misil". (AP Foto/Ahn Young-joon)

SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff says North Korea has test-fired a missile from the western part of its country. There were no other immediate details Saturday morning, including what type of missile was used.

North Korea routinely test-fires a variety of ballistic missiles, despite United Nations prohibitions, as part of its push to develop a long-range ballistic missile capable of hitting U.S. shores.

While shorter-range missiles are somewhat routine, there is strong outside worry about each longer range North Korean ballistic test.

Saturday’s launch comes at a point of particularly high tension. U.S. President Donald Trump has taken a hard line with Pyongyang and sent a U.S. aircraft supercarrier to Korean waters.