The News

N. Korea: We’ll Reject Malaysia Autopsy of Kim Half Brother

Una pantalla de televisión muestra al líder norcoreano Kim Jong Un y su hermano mayor Kim Jong Nam, izquierda, en la estación ferroviaria de Seúl, Corea del Sur. Kim Jong Nam fue asesinado en un aeropuerto de Kuala Lumpur, Malasia, dijo un funcionario malayo el martes 14 de febrero de 2017. (AP Foto/)

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – North Korea says it will “categorically reject” the results of an autopsy on Kim Jong Nam, the estranged half brother of North Korea’s ruler. He died this week at an airport in Malaysia and the case is snowballing into a diplomatic crisis.

North Korean Ambassador Kang Chol told reporters gathered outside the morgue in Kuala Lumpur on Friday night that Malaysia conducted the autopsy “unilaterally” and prevented North Korean representatives from attending.

Kang Chol says North Korea “will categorically reject” the autopsy results and says the move disregarded “elementary international laws and consular laws.”

The case has unleashed a rash of speculation that Kim Jong Nam was killed on the orders of his half-brother, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.