The News

U.S. Extradites Zhenli Ye Gon to Mexico

TOLUCA, ESTADO DE MÉXICO, La Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) informó que Zhenli Ye Gon fue extraditado a México este martes y puesto a disposición de un juez en el Centro Federal de Readaptación Social número uno, conocido como el “Altiplano”. "(Ye Gon) es probable responsable de los delitos de delincuencia organizada, contra la salud y recursos de procedencia ilícita”, informó en conferencia de prensa el subprocurador jurídico y de Asuntos Internacionales de la PGR, Salvador Sandoval. FOTO: PGR /CUARTOSCURO.COM

Several years after Mexico requested the extradition, United States Marshals turned Zhenli Ye Gon over to officers of the Mexican Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC) on Tuesday. Ye Gon, a Chinese-Mexican pharmaceutical businessman, has been wanted by Mexican authorities since 2008 for crimes against health, weapons charges and money laundering.

Special Prosecutor for International Affairs Salvador Sandoval Silva announced that Mexican officials received Ye Gon on Tuesday evening, and will be transferred to the Altiplano prison.

The Mexican government requested that Ye Gon be extradited in 2008, and a U.S. judge approved the extradition in 2011. However, Ye Gon appealed the judge’s ruling, and succeeded in delaying his extradition for several years until exhausting his appeals on Monday