The News

Two dead, Three Wounded in Shooting at Jalisco Prosecutor’s Office

GUADALAJARA, JALISCO, 14SEPTIEMBRE2016.- Esta mañana un sujeto armado ingreso a las instalaciones de la Fiscalía General del Estado en la calle 14 de la zona industrial, en donde ataco con dos armas de fuego a empleados de dicha institución, en el lugar resultaron heridas de gravedad 4 personas y dos personas mas fallecieron, entre ellas una trabajadora social y el agresor, quien fue abatido por policías investigadores.FOTO : FERNANDO CARRANZA GARCIA / CUARTOSCURO.COM

MEXICO CITY — Mexican authorities say a man has opened fire at a prosecutor’s office in Guadalajara, Jalisco, killing a woman and wounding three more. The assailant was also shot dead, by security guards.

Jalisco state Attorney General Eduardo Almaguer says the shooter was armed with two pistols during Wednesday’s shooting. Three of the four victims including the woman who died were social workers, and the motive was not immediately known.

Almaguer said the 56-year-old shooter had worked around the prosecutor’s office doing administrative paperwork and was well-known by most in the building.

He faulted security at the entrance for allowing the man to enter with weapons.