The News

Townspeople Kidnap Lawmakers to Seek Mayor’s Ouster

SAN CRISTÓBAL DE LAS CASAS, 20MARZO2014.- Habitantes desplazados de la colonia tzotzil de San Antonio del Monte, entre ellos mujeres, ancianos y niños, continúan pernoctando en el Palacio de Justicia en espera de su reubicación. El fin de semana anterior ocurrió una disputa territorial entre dos grupos de origen tzotzil, lo que resultó en la muerte de un menor de dos años por lesión de bala. FOTO: ELIZABETH RUIZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM

SAN CRISTÓBAL DE LAS CASAS, Chiapas — A group of indigenous Mexicans kidnapped two lawmakers in the southern state of Chiapas to force the ouster of their mayor.

Eduardo Ramírez Aguilar and Carlos Penagos were taken forcibly from a meeting with angry Tzotzil indigenous people on Wednesday in the cathedral of the city of San Cristóbal de las Casas.

Some of their aides were handled roughly and their cars were damaged. People tied up the lawmakers and threatened to kill them if no agreement was reached.

They were freed in the town of Chenalho on Thursday after the state congress announced that it was installing a new mayor and opening an investigation into the old one. The Tzotzil group accuses her of corruption, abuse of power and diverting resources.