The News

Strike Ends at Polytechnic Institute 

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 12MAYO2016.- Los estudiantes de la Vocacional 5 “Benito Juárez García”, del Instituto Politécnico Nacional que mantienen tomadas las instalaciones, no reconocieron validas las votaciones del día de ayer a favor de la reanudación de clases, ya que a pesar de ser la mayoría de los votantes en contra del paro, no se cumplió el 50 más uno de la comunidad estudiantil. Por ello, algunos alumnos acudieron hoy a rechazar la mesa de debate y a pronunciarse en contra de la nueva convocatoria de votación que realizaron los estudiantes que se mantienen en las instalaciones académicas. FOTO: TERCERO DÍAZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM

The Wilfrido Massieu Center for Scientific and Technological Studies (CECyT) of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) restarted classes and administrative activities Thursday. The Wilfredo Massieu CECyT is the last IPN school to end the strike.

Students and staff at several schools associated with the IPN had been on strike to protest the IPN being brought under the control of the national Secretariat of Public Education (SEP) since mid-April.

In a press release, the IPN said that students and administrators signed an agreement to end the strike early Thursday morning. Students returned to classrooms and staff returned to work before 7 a.m.

The IPN highlighted that the agreement was possible due to the willingness of all parties to engage in negotiation.