The News

Second Suspect Detained in Slaying of Veracruz Reporter

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 11FEBRERO2016.- Un grupo de periodistas se congregó afuera de la casa de representación del estado de Veracruz para exigir que se investigue el asesinato de Anabel Flores Salazar, periodista veracruzana que trabajaba en El Sol de Orizaba. Los manifestantes colocaron fotografías de los periodistas Anabel Flores, Regina Martinez, Gregorio Jiménez, Rubén Espinosa Becerril, como una forma de exigir al gobierno que encabeza el gobernador de Veracruz, Javier Duarte, se esclarezca el caso y el de todos los periodistas que han sido asesinados en dicha entidad. FOTO: DIEGO SIMÓN SÁNCHEZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM

MEXICO CITY — Mexican authorities say they have detained a second suspect in the killing of a journalist who was dragged from her home earlier this year.

Veracruz state prosecutor Luis Ángel Bravo Contreras announced the arrest in the city of Orizaba of a man identified only as a local leader of the Zetas drug gang.

The suspect faces prosecution for crimes including the killing of Anabel Flores Salazar, who was a crime reporter for a newspaper in Orizaba. She was kidnapped by gunmen Feb. 8 and found dead in neighboring Puebla state the next day.

A state prosecutors’ statement late Wednesday said authorities previously arrested another suspect in the killing on May 4.

At least 17 journalists have been slain in Veracruz since late 2010 and others have disappeared.