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Sagarpa to Inform on Budget Allocated to Rural Organizations

51216175. México, 16 Dic. 2015 (Notimex-Jessica Espinosa).- José Eduardo Calzada Rovirosa secretario de Sagarpa, Jorge Armando Narváez Narváez subsecretario de Agricultura, el oficial mayor, Marcelo López ofrecieron una conferencia de prensa en las instalaciones de la Sagarpa. NOTIMEX/FOTO/JESSICA ESPINOSA/JES/POL/

Under the premise that accountability and citizen assessment of the performance of public agencies is important, the National Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data Institute (INAI) ordered the Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food Secretariat (Sagarpa) to disclose the amount allocated to strengthening rural organizations during 2015 and the amount not used.

José Calzada Rovirosa, head of Sagarpa. Photo: Notimex/Gustavo Duran.

According to a statement from the INAI, the proposal was endorsed by Ximena Puente de la Mora, commissioner president of the institute, who considered that this information promotes accountability to citizens.

Ximena Puente, INAI’s commissioner president. Photo: Notimex/Carlos Pereda Muciño.

In 2015, 31 million pesos ($1.7 million) were allocated as modified budget to the strengthening of rural organizations by the Sagarpa. In analyzing the case, the INAI found out that the agency did not disclose the total amount allocated.