The News

Phase 1 of Environmental Alert Continues in the Valley of Mexico

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 25MAYO2016.- La calidad del aire en la Ciudad de México se reporta de regular a mala. En la zona de Santa Fe, la Dirección de Monitoreo Atmosférico reporta 102 puntos de ozono. FOTO: ISAAC ESQUIVEL /CUARTOSCURO.COM

The Megalopolis Environmental Commission (Came) reported that on Tuesday Phase 1 of Environmental Contingency Plan in the Valley of Mexico will continue, as unfavorable conditions do not allow pollutants to disperse.

In its 10:00 a.m. report, Came said that according to the available meteorological information, the systems of high pressure which have affected the central region of the country for the last several days remain.

The commission indicated that the condition of atmospheric stability will continue during the morning. In addition, a warm day is expected, with low to moderate cloud formation, as well as weak to moderate wind during the morning and the first hours of the afternoon. These conditions will not be favorable for the dispersion of pollutants.