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PAN Senator Wants to Invite Hillary Clinton to Mexico

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 14JULIO2016.- Mariana Gómez del Campo Gurza y Silvia Guadalupe Garza Galván, senadoras del PAN visitaron el Verificentro número 953, ubicado en la avenida Álvaro Obregón en la colonia Roma donde acudieron a verificar su vehícuo y resaltaron que hay muy pocos verificentros abiertos en la ciudad de México para que los capitalinos vayan a verificar su automóvil, las legisladoras resaltaron que propondran un punto de acuerdo para evitar actos de corrupción y un buen manejo en dichos centros de verificación. FOTO: SAÚL LÓPEZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM

Senator Silvia Garza Galván, of the National Action Party (PAN), proposed Tuesday that the Mexican Senate invite United States presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, of the Democratic Party, to Mexico in order to strengthen communication between the two countries.

Garza Galván noted that on Aug. 30, President Enrique Peña Nieto met with Donald Trump, U.S. presidential candidate for the Republican Party.

Garza Galván said an effort by the Senate to bring Clinton to Mexico would prevent Trump’s visit from negatively affecting Mexico’s relationship with the United States, and would promote a genuine exchange of opinions.

The two countries share a 3,000-kilometer land border, and more than 34.6 million people of Mexican origin currently live in the United States.

Commercial transactions between Mexico and the United States are valued at $1.4 million daily, and six million jobs in the United States depend directly on trade with Mexico.