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Pagés Rebollar: There Was No Special Treatment for Moreira

60122066. Madrid, 22 Ene. 2016 (Notimex-Juan Carlos Rojas).- Humberto Moreira a su salida de la cárcel de Soto del Real en España, luego de que el juez de la Audiencia Nacional de España, Santiago Pedraz, acordó hoy dejar en libertad al ex gobernador del estado mexicano de Coahuila, pero con la prohibición de salir de territorio nacional y retirándole el pasaporte. NOTIMEX/FOTO/JUAN CARLOS ROJAS/FRE/CLJ/

Beatriz Pagés Rebollar, secretary of culture of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), firmly denied that there was a preferential treatment for former Coahuila Gov. Humberto Moreira and his case.

There was no intervention from the PRI regarding Moreira’s case, who was being investigated in Spain for money laundering and connections to organized crime, she added.

“The decision of the Spanish judge was very clear. There isn’t any evidence against Moreira and there was no reason for him to be arrested,” said Pagés Rebollar.

She added that there is a clear politicization of the case, as Moreira has been persecuted and signaled out by the media for years.