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Oaxaca Dead Identified

NOCHIXTLÁN, OAXACA, 19JUNIO2016.- Maestros de la CNTE apoyados por ciudadanos se enfrentan con Policías Federales que pretenden retirar un bloqueo carretero, que mantienen los profesores desde hace días en el marco de si lucha en contra de la Reforma Educativa. FOTO: ARTURO PEREZ ALFONSO /CUARTOSCURO.COM

The six people who perished yesterday during violence in Nochixtlán between police and supporters of organized teachers have been identified. Not one of the six victims was a teacher.

Oaxaca Governor Gabino Cué Monteagudo identified the six people who lost their lives as Anselmo Cruz Aquino, a 33-year-old salesman; Jesús Cadena Sánches, a 19-year-old high school student; Iralvín Jiménez Santiago, a 29-year-old health worker; Oscar Nicolás Santiago, a 22-year-old farmworker; Omar González Santiago, a 22-year-old professional; and Oscar Luna Aguilar (or Andrés Aguilar), a 23-year-old salesman.

Cué Monteagudo said that there were not only professors participating in the roadblocks, but also other citizens and members of other social organizations. In this way, the roadblocks are similar to those of the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO) in 2006.

Cué Monteagudo added that 21 people were detained and two arrested for looting in Salina Cruz, Oaxaca.