The News

New Teachers to be Evaluated at the End of the School Year

60107042. Morelia, Michoacán, 7 Ene 2016 (Notimex-Gustavo Salas). Luego del periodo vacacional por de fin de año, este jueves 7 de enero, reanudan clases en Michoacán aproximadamente un millón 150 mil alumnos de escuelas de Educación Básica, Media Superior y Superior, así como más de 53 mil maestros de todos los niveles educativos en 12 mil escuelas. NOTIMEX/GUSTAVO SALAS/FRE/EDU/

The National Institute for Education Assessment (INEE) published the guidelines for the assessment of teachers who started working during the 2015-2016 school year, at the end of their first year in elementary and high school education.

The guidelines set out the criteria and procedures for performing evaluations of teachers during their first year of work. Photo: Notimex/Adriana Cobarrubias.

The guidelines set out the criteria and procedures for performing evaluations of the teacher and teaching technician staff at the end of their first year of teaching, with diagnostic purposes. This, in order to provide support and implementing the programs needed to strengthen their skills, knowledge and abilities.

The assessment is intended to ensure that staff favors student learning during their professional practices and that they fulfill the duties so that they can improve the quality and equity of education. The guidelines will take effect on Tuesday.

The guidelines will take effect on Tuesday. Photo: Notimex.