The News

Murat Steps Down from CNOP, Arturo Zamora Sole Candidate

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 25OCTUBRE2016.- Arturo Zamora, senador del PRI, ofreció una entrevista para confirmar que Javier Duarte, gobernador con licencia de Veracruz, fue expulsado de las filas del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), esto luego de la reunión que tuvo la Comisión Nacional de Justicia Partidaria en la sede tricolor del Comite Ejecutivo Nacional. Duarte de Ochoa es buscado por la PGR por los delitos de lavado de dinero y crimen organizado. FOTO: CUARTOSCURO.COM

Senator Arturo Zamora is the sole candidate registered to the chair of the National Confederation of Popular Organizations (CNOP), it was expected Oaxacan José Murat to pursue the position, but declined in the end.

Upon questioning on the integrity and honesty requirements on the announcement, – which raised concerns regarding Murat’s history – Arturo Zamora stated his career was untarnished and he could apply to the position freely.

“I can speak for myself, but as you know, I was heavily criticized, slandered and vilified when I was candidate for governor. I devoted myself to cleaning my name for two years, and today my blood and my conscience are clean. I am certain I can still accomplish positive things for our country through the CNOP,”  said Zamora.

He added that his agenda once he obtains the position consists in improving the chances of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) for the 2017 and 2018 election.