The News

Mexico, U.S. to Integrate a Common Labor Agenda

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 13MAYO2017.- Alfonso Navarrete Prida, secretario del trabajo y previsión social; Carlos Aceves del Olmo, secretario general de la Confederación de Trabajadores de México (CTM), durante la LXV Convención Nacional Ordinaria y XCIX Aniversario de la Fundación de la Confederación Regional Obrera Mexicana (CROM), en en el marco del 99 aniversario de su creación. FOTO: MARIO JASSO /CUARTOSCURO.COM

Mexico City –– Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare Alfonso Navarrete Prida met with the U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta during the G20 Meeting of Labor and Employment Ministers in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, Germany. The topic of discussion was the creation of a bilateral labor agenda based on both nations’ interests and common grounds.


Secretary Acosta stated the relationship with Mexico is paramount in multiple ways, which grants special priority to the follow up of the bilateral agenda. On the other hand, Mexico has set forth the Mechanism for Labor Mobility along with the United States (work and employment H2 visas) under the National Employment Services that supports the recruiting and selection process of certified Mexican personnel for temporary positions in construction, farming, forestry and industrial jobs in the United States.