The News

Mexico City to Temporarily Dispose of Waste in Morelos

60128119. San Luis Potosí, 28 Ene 2016 (Notimex- Especial).- El presidente de Basura Cero México, Salvador Meneses, acusó al alcalde de San Luis Potosí, Ricardo Gallardo Juárez, de violar las leyes ambientales en materia de residuos sólidos, al dejar al aire libre las 600 toneladas de basura que se generan a diario en la capital potosina. NOTIMEX/FOTO/ESPECIAL/COR/HUM/

The government of Mexico City will temporarily dispose of part of the city waste in the “La Perseverancia” landfill located in Cuautla, in the state of Morelos, while a new destination plan for such waste is designed.

This was agreed Wednesday by Morelos Gov. Graco Ramírez and Mexico City Mayor Miguel Ángel Mancera, after a phone conversation between them, where Ramírez offered solidarity and support during this temporary measure.

The measure is just temporary, said Mexico City Mayor Miguel Ángel Mancera. Photo: Notimex/Francisco Gálvez

The agreement implies that the landfill will receive between 1,500 and 1,800 tons of waste, without affecting its capacity or generating problems of any kind, in order to address the environmental contingency that Mexico City is experiencing.

The “La Perseverancia” landfill complies with the Official Standard number 083 issued by the Natural Resources and Environmental Secretariat (Semarnat). It has a responsible management model which also generates electricity.

The Sustainable Development Secretary of the government of the state of Morelos will be responsible for following up on this temporary measure.

The government of Morelos currently maintains a plan designed to protect the environment which includes the building of recovery plants with the aim of ending landfills, using natural gas in place of fuels, and the protection of the natural capital.

The governments of Mexico City and Morelos will work together against the problem of waste disposal. Photo: Notimex/Bernardo Moncada