The News

Mexico City Chief of Staff Resigns; Mancera Announces Cabinet Restructuring

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 09AGOSTO2016.- Miguel Ángel Mancera, jefe de gobierno de la Ciudad de México y Horacio de la Vegal, director general del Instituto del Deporte, dirigieron la presentación de "CDMX Ciudad de Campeones", torneo de boxeo que promueve y busca a los mejores pujilistas de la ciudad. FOTO: ADOLFO VLADIMIR /CUARTOSCURO.COM

Mexico City Mayor Miguel Ángel Mancera announced Tuesday that city government staff will be restructured after Chief of Staff Javier González Garza turned in his resignation on Aug. 15.

“There will be no slowdowns, only restructuring,” Mancera said. “There will be movements, and one of the these movements will be the restructuring of the staff; that is to say, there will be no new chief of staff.”

The restructuring will include changing the responsibilities of Interior Undersecretary Juan José García Ochoa. García Ochoa will be moved to another area, and Guillermo Orozco Loreto will take his place as interior undersecretary.

“It’s a restructuring, García Ochoa will have some more responsibilities from now on,” said Mancera.

Mancera denied rumors that conflicts between García Ochoa and Interior Secretary Patricia Mercado influenced García Ochoa’s reassignment, and added that other substitutions may be announced in the next few days.

“We’ll see,” he said. “We’ll see exactly which movements are going to be made. We’re going to be working this week and we are going to move little by little.”