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Mexico and United States Strengthen Amber Alert Program

51104298. México, 4 Nov 2015 (Notimex-Especial).- La titular de la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR), Arely Gómez González, sostuvo una reunión con dos colectivos de familiares de víctimas, donde refrendó la solidaridad de la dependencia a su cargo con las demandas de los familiares de víctimas de diversas entidades del país. NOTIMEX/FOTO/ESPECIAL/CLJ

The governments of Mexico and the United States renewed the commitment to join forces to strengthen the Amber Alert Program, dedicated to combatting child abduction, stated Mexico’s Attorney General’s office (PGR).

The PGR specified that this action has the purpose of establishing and increasing critical paths for action that will allow activating alarms and render more efficient efforts to find girls, boys and teenagers.

Ten month old baby Blanca Jazmín was among the children that the Amber Alert program successfully helped return to parents last year. Photo: Cuartoscuro/Christian Serna.

The statement pointed out that this common aim led to a videoconference at the headquarters of the institution with the participation of officials from the program from both Mexico and the United States.

The meeting was organized by the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Violent Crimes Against Women and Human Trafficking (Fevimtra) in coordination with the United Sate’s Justice Department’s Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development Assistance and Training (OPDAT).

Thanks to this, liaisons from the Amber Alert Program from Mexico City, Puebla, Tlaxcala, Hidalgo, Morelos and the State of Mexico were able to exchange knowledge with their counterparts from California, Arizona and Texas.