The News

INE Publishes Constitutional Assembly Candidates’ Résumés

60510178. México, 10 May. 2016 (Notimex- Guillermo Granado).- Alejandro Andrade, coordinador de procesos tecnológicos del Centro de Consulta de Padrón Electoral y el director ejecutivo del Registro Federal de Electores, Rene Miranda Jaimes presentaron el nuevo sistema de cómputo del centro de consulta el cual se encuentra blindado. NOTIMEX/FOTO/GUILLERMO GRADADOS/GGV/POL/VOTO16/

MEXICO CITY — With the goal of teaching voters about candidates’ political experience so that their votes will be informed, the National Electoral Institute (INE) has published a page on their website called “Get to Know the Candidates!” (“Candidatos y Candidatas: Conócelos!”)

The INE said that information about candidates for the Mexico City Constitutional Assembly will be available on the site. The information became available on May 9, fulfilling a requirement forthe Constitutional Assembly elections.

The information can be found at the INE website. Users can search for candidates by name, for both political parties and independent campaigns.

The information available about candidates includes public email addresses, social media accounts, public telephones, home addresses, education and work history, political history and a recent photograph.

The INE asked candidates to provide this information.