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INE: Magazine Must Stop Promoting Moreno Valle

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 01NOVIEMBRE2016.- El Instituto Nacional Electoral ordenó al gobernador de Puebla, Rafael Moreno Valle, y a la revista Líderes Mexicanos, suspender la publicidad en donde se aprecia el rostro del panista y la leyenda "el nuevo presidenciable", esto por considerar que el objetivo de dicha propaganda busca posicionarlo ante la ciudadanía de cara a los comicios federales del 2018. El INE dió un plazÓ de 12 horas para suspender la propaganda. FOTO: MOISÉS PABLO /CUARTOSCURO.COM

The Complaints Commission of the National Electoral Institute (INE) ruled that the magazine “Líderes Mexicanos” must end its campaign of promoting the image of Puebla Governor Rafael Moreno Valle Rosas.

The ruling was the result of a request by the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD).

“The resolution unanimously approved by the [INE Complaints Commission] orders Moreno Valle and Ferraez Comunicación S.A de C.V. to immediately end all radio broadcasting of propaganda or diffusion of propaganda through television or any other medium at a national or regional level related to the previously-mentioned magazine, in which appears the governor’s name, the phrase ‘el nuevo presidenciable,’ the successes of his government or alludes to aspirations to presidential candidacy,” reads an INE press release.

Ferraez Comunicación has 12 hours to suspend all diffusion of material related to Moreno Valle.

The INE Complaints Commission ordered the suspension of electoral propaganda to prevent an over-exposure of Moreno Valle’s presidential ambitions that could violate the equity principle and give him an unfair advantage in the 2018 presidential elections.