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IMSS Announces Health Care Costs for Non-Beneficiaries

60101119. Puebla, 1 Ene (Notimex- Especial).- Los primeros nacimientos del 2016 en Puebla fueron tres niñas, dos en el Hospital de la Mujer de la Secretaría de Salud y la tercera en el Hospital San Alejandro del IMSS, las cuales se reportan en buenas condiciones de salud. NOTIMEX/FOTO/ESPECIAL/COR/HUM/

The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) announced the 2016 costs by level of health care for non-beneficiaries, improper registration cases and for the determination of tax credits derived from constitutive capital.

The document was published in the Official Gazette and details the health care prices in units of first, second and third level, from family and dental medicine to emergency care, different studies and specialty procedures.

The updated costs were based on the average of costs recorded during 2013 and 2014.