The News

Guidelines for the Training of Teacher’s Performance Evaluators Released

60226047. México, 26 Feb. 2016 (Notimex-Javier Lira).- El titular de la SEP, Aurelio Nuño Mayer, manifestó el compromiso del gobierno federal de pagar de manera oportuna a los constructores que intervengan en el Programa Escuelas al Cien, al firmar como testigo de honor el convenio entre Héctor Gutiérrez de la Garza, director general del Instituto Nacional de Infraestructura Física Educativa, y Gustavo Arballo Luján, presidente nacional de la Cámara de la Industria de la Construcción NOTIMEX/FOTO/JAVIER LIRA OTERO/JLO/EDU/

The National Institute for Education Assessment (INEE) released the guidelines for the selection and training of performance evaluators for teachers of elementary and high school education for the 2016-2017 school year.

The published document details the criteria regarding the selection and training of evaluators who will assess the education authorities and decentralized agencies and those who will assess the performance of teachers and school managers.

The National Teacher’s Performance Assessment was carried out by evaluators from the INEE. (NOTIMEX/FOTO/ESPECIAL/COR/EDU).

Teachers, technicians and personnel with management and monitoring capabilities who have taken and passed the Performance Evaluation may participate in the selection and training processes as evaluators.

In addition, they must register with the Evaluators Integrated Management System (SGIE) and then be nominated to the INEE by the local education authorities through the SGIE or any agency designated by the Public Education Secretariat (SEP).