The News

Government Agencies Disclose Their 2016 Austerity Guidelines

51005067. México, 5 octubre (Notimex-Carlos Pereda).- La comisionada presidenta del Instituto Nacional de Acceso a la Información (INAI), Ximena Puente encabezó la inauguración de la Semana Nacional de Transparencia 2015. NOTIMEX/FOTO/CARLOS PEREDA MUCIÑO/CPM/POL/

The Chamber of Deputies, the Federal Auditing Agency (ASF), the National Institute for Education Assessment (INEE), the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH), the National Transparency, Information Access and Personal Data Protection Institute (INAI) and the Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece) presented Monday their austerity guidelines for 2016.

The guidelines were published in the Official Gazette and their purpose is to establish measures to reduce personnel and administrative expenses in order to protect the resources allocated to each agency. The savings produced will be destined to priority programs.

The ASF established a savings goal of 18.5 million pesos ($1.02 million); the goal of the INEE is 26.5 million pesos; the goal of the CNDH is 8.7 million pesos; the goal of the INAI is 7.08 million pesos; and the Cofece plans to save 3 million pesos.

The official Twitter account of the Mexican government also offered information regarding the guidelines.