The News

González Yáñez Forfeits Campaign in Favor of Delfina

TOLUCA, ESTADO DE MÉXICO, 09MAYO2017.- El candidato del PT Óscar Gonzàlez Yáñez ofreció un mensaje al término del Segundo Debate entre candidatos a la gubernatura del Estado se México que se realizó en el IEEM. FOTO: ARTEMIO GUERRA BAZ / CUARTOSCURO.COM

Former Labor Party (PT) candidate for governor of the State of México Óscar González Yáñez issued a statement this afternoon announcing his forfeit in favor of Delfina Gómez, candidate for the National Regeneration Movement (Morena).

During a press conference, González Yáñez said the decision was made along with his party in order to combine efforts with the Morena candidate in order to “foster the transformation process in the lives of State of Mexico residents.”

Gónzalez Yáñez noted that by joining Delfina’s campaign they both will seek to end corruption and lack of safety in the State of Mexico.