The News

Gender Equality will Improve in Litigious Court

51125059. México, 25 Nov. 2015 (Notimex-José Pazos).- La presidenta del Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres, Lorena Cruz Sánchez, participó en la ceremonia por el Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer, que fue encabezada por el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto en el Salón Adolfo López Mateos de la residencia oficial de Los Pinos. NOTIMEX/FOTO/JOSÉ PAZOS/JPF/POL/

Mexico City Litigious and Administrative Court staff will receive training for gender issues in hopes of guaranteeing equality and rule of law toward women.

An agreement with the Institute of Women (Inmujeres) was signed, which will require public court officials to create a radical change in favor of women and their human rights.

The agreement was signed by the president of Inmujeres, Lorena Cruz Sánchez, president of the court, Yasmín Esquivel Mossa.

The leader of Inmujeres highlighted the importance of incorporating gender equality to the court, as a judge should be aware of gender inequalities and prepared to develop new solutions to these legal problems.

“Those who give justice should not validate discrimination. They should guarantee equality, so that all women who make a litigious complaint will be heard,” Cruz Sánchez said.

Esquivel Mossa concluded by saying, “This agreement will bring great benefits to public employees and citizens if affirmative actions are advanced that avoid discrimination and end the wrong ways of the past.”