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Free Concert to be held at Zócalo Saturday

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 09JUNIO2016.- Obreros coloccan el escenario en el cual se realizará el concierto del día del Padre, auspiciado por el gobierno capitalino en el Zócalo. Los artistas que deleitarán a los asistentes serán Marc Anthony, Rubén Blades y Carlos Vives. FOTO: ARMANDO MONROY /CUARTOSCURO.COM

MEXICO CITY — Mexico City’s Secretariat of Civil Protection invited the city’s population to attend a free concert at the Zócalo on Saturday. Marc Anthony, Rubén Blades and Carlos Vives will be performing.

The Secretariat advised attendees that weather forecasts predict cloudy skies and light rain between 8 and 11 p.m. Saturday, and a probability of thunderstorms at 10 p.m. They advise bringing raincoats instead of umbrellas, because umbrellas can obstruct visibility.

The Secretariat also advised people to come early to the concert, which starts at 6 p.m., to locate emergency exits and to establish meeting points in case of emergency.

They request that attendees do not bring bulky objects, sharp objects or alcoholic beverages, and that they take care of children or elderly people who they bring to the event. In case of an emergency, attendees should ask for help from first responders.

After the concert, attendees should follow the directions of personnel to leave in an orderly fashion and avoid delays.

In case of emergency, the Secretariat of Civil Protection can be reached at (55) 5683 2222, or 066 for emergencies. The number for the Locatel information service is (55) 5658 1111, and for firefighters is 068.