The News

Former Iguala Police Chief Denies Involvement in Disappearances

MÉXICO, D.F., 30NOVIEMBRE2015.- Vidulfo Rosales, vocero de los padres de los 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa desaparecidos, informó que la Procuraduría General de la República integró y comenzó a trabajar con la Unidad Especializada para la Investigación del caso Ayotzinapa, que está a cargo de José Aarón Pérez Carro, tras una reunión con funcionarios de la dependencia. FOTO: ISAAC ESQUIVEL /CUARTOSCURO.COM

In his first official statement since his arrest, former Iguala Police Chief Felipe Flores denied involvement in the disappearance of the 43 students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers College on Sept. 26, 2014, according to Vidulfo Rosales, legal representative of the parents of the 43 students.

Flores was arrested on Oct. 21 by federal police. He is accused of responsibility for the 2014 disappearances and has also been charged with organized crime.

The parents of the 43 missing students will stage a demonstration outside of the offices of the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) in Mexico City, for which the westbound lanes of Avenida de la Reforma are closed.

On Thursday, to mark 25 months since the disappearances, the parents will stage a march with torches from the Hemiciclo to the “anti-monument” for the 43 at Reforma and Bucareli. On Friday, they will stage a demonstration at the monument.